Welcome to fillthedoc| draft


Hello {{intro.name}},

Thank you for checking out fillthedoc! Let's start by covering some basic functionalities of fillthedoc.

Where are you from?{{intro.origin}}
Which object did you buy last?{{intro.object}}
What is your favorite number?{{intro.number}}


As you can see fillthedoc supports various inputs, and there is much more! Tricky calculations along with conditional statements can be executed with fillthedoc.  Let's start with a simple price comparison example.

Fill in a random price: € {{intro.price}}

Another price: € {{intro.paid}}

​€​​ {{intro.exp}}: {{#intro.exp >0}} The first price is more signifcant than the second. ​​​​​​ {{/intro.exp >0}}{{#intro.exp ==0}} They match.{{/intro.exp ==0}}{{#intro.exp < 0}} The second price is more significant.​​{{/intro.exp <0}} Try it again to see how different inputs change the outcome. 

… and this is just the start. There are many more features fillthedoc has to offer, including, but not limited to:

  • choice list
  • option group
  • checkbox
  • likert scale
  • expressions
  • integration of external data

We have flexible plans that include a basic free plan that will remain free forever! To get started with our free plan instantly, simply press the save button in the top right corner! To see our other plans and pricing, please visit https://fillthedoc.com/pricing

Are you interested to see more? {{conclusion.info}}

{{# conclusion.info == "Yes" }} Have a look at our documentation for detailed information on how to interact with fillthedoc API service. https://docs.fillthedoc.com. Want to know more? Feel free to contact us at https://fillthedoc.com/contact. ​​​​​​We are looking forward to hearing from you. {{/ conclusion.info == "Yes" }}{{# conclusion.info == "No"}} Let us know if we can help you with anything else! You can contact us at https://fillthedoc.com/contact{{/ conclusion.info == "No" }}

How many contracts do you draft a month? up to {{conclusion.max_contracts}} contracts.

{{# conclusion.max_contracts <= 5}} You can use fillthedoc for free: https://fillthedoc.com/signup {{/conclusion.max_contracts <= 5}} {{# conclusion.max_contracts > 5}}Check out our prices and features for more information: https://fillthedoc.com/pricing {{/conclusion.max_contracts > 5}}